Helicopter Transport Services for peace of Mind

Helicopter transport services are mainly used for medical emergencies or other situations where a person may need to arrive at a destination quickly and easily. Imagine being trapped in an outlying area when you become ill or injure yourself. It is unlikely that an ambulance or any other means of transport will be able to reach you quickly. Especially in situations that may be life threatening, it is imperative that a person experiencing trauma or a dread disease be attended to immediately by health care professional and delivered to a hospital as quickly as possible. The helicopter is perfect to fulfil this requirement as it is fast and light weight and designed for quick landings and take offs.

A helicopter can also reach places and areas that would be inaccessible to other means of transport. For example, a person trapped in mountainous terrain can be easily extracted. A person that may be drowning in the ocean can be reached quicker in a helicopter and pulled out of the water easily. Most helicopter transport services that perform the duty of aiding people in distress will have a medical professional aboard to give immediate treatment to the patient. A helicopter will also come to your rescue if you find yourself in any of these troubling situations and you are out of the country visiting one of the neighbouring states.

A helicopter rescue could mean the difference between life and death in potentially fatal situations. Make sure that your medical aid or travel insurance will cover medical rescue by a helicopter if you should ever find yourself in need of this service. Getting a helicopter in the air can be an expensive exercise and you do not need to be saddled with the bill after being rescued and surviving a traumatic experience. Do not take for granted the fact that the helicopter pilot, rescue personnel and medical professionals aboard the helicopter will put their own lives at risk to save your life and only use these services when it is entirely necessary.

For further information on helicopter transport services in South Africa and the surrounding countries please contact us.