The Necessity of Cross Border Transporters

Some of South Africa’s biggest imports and exports are to and from our neighbouring countries. The quickest and easiest means of transporting goods to landlocked countries like Zimbabwe and Botswana is to use bulk transport trucks. These cross border transporters can deliver a variety of goods from agricultural (such as citrus and maize) to mining products (such as coal and magnetite) to these countries. A variety of trucks are used to make these long distance journeys to ensure that the product arrives safely and in good condition at its destination. A company that provides cross border transport can also provide the necessary pallets or other packaging that is required to keep the product safe from damage or spoiling.

It is important when choosing a company that provides cross border transporters, that they will be able to clear the goods they are carrying through customs. Going through customs is notoriously time consuming and arduous. There are many forms and applications that must be completed beforehand and other procedures that must be adhered to when arriving at the customs post. It is important to ensure that all this documentation is in place and that the truck driver is well versed in the procedures to speed the passing of the goods over the border. Perishables and other products can start to spoil if the truck is held too long at the border post.

Even though Namibia and Mozambique have a coastline that can ease the entry of import or export goods in and out of the country it may still be more cost-effective to use a truck for smaller loads.  If you consider using a train to transport your goods across the border, keep in mind that you will still need a truck to deliver the goods to the train station. The same applies if you are using a cargo plane and the fuel and costs of using a cargo plane are much higher than using transport by road.

If you are in need of a reliable company that provides cross border transporters to import or export goods on time and in good order, please contact us.